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Nov 20, 2019

This week on the Live Your Light Show, Emily is sharing a sacred story from her past that helped her realign her energy from the fear of not living a purposeful life to that of abundance and flow. Her life-shifting experience with a wise Balinese man and the witnessing of genuine happiness and laughter from children playing in the street helped her learn the truth of all truths. Which is what she shares with you today. She also offers 3 steps to help you pinpoint your passions, create a ‘soul statement’ and actively honor your past to pave & plan your future to live ON purpose.


I can’t wait to see what you thought of the episode and what takeaways resonated most with you. Don’t forget to screenshot & tag @itsemilythomas when you're listening to let me know your favorite part.


BONUS: Emily created a worksheet to accompany this episode and one that she uses with her Live Your Light School and you can have it too! Simply leave a review in iTunes on this episode with your email and we will send it to you!


To get in touch to learn more about Emily's programs to help you take the leap from where you are now to where you want to go, send Emily an email at and tell me about your story & vision!

Also, come hang on Instagram by clicking HERE 


PS: Want access to a complimentary business resource library with guides to help you: pinpoint your passion, ThinkWise: Live By Design, Manifest & Live By Design and MORE?



In This Conversation We Cover:

  • Emily’s life-shifting experience with a wise Balinese man about our life's Purpose and seeking happiness
  • Why searching for your Purpose in life is a waste of time
  • What happens when you GET to choose how to spend your time
  • The three steps to start living ON Purpose that you can implement today.

Here's how Emily pinpointed her passion and started living on purpose:

1. She accepted that she's already complete because of being alive and existing on this planet. I realized I didn't need to change

2. She made the decision that she wanted to live a life doing what she loves and learned that her passion is to be an example of what is possible. She made her 'soul statement' saying she wants to be an example of what is possible. 

3. She honored and praised the past to pave her future creating a life ON purpose.